Anime West

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


To take my mind off Naruto for a bit, I started watching the anime mini-series, Last Exile. So far, I only have a faint idea why the title is Last Exile, which I think has something to do with the battleship Silvana.

So far, it has been promising. Reminds me of Castle in the Sky when it comes to creativity and environment. The digital animation has helped put perspectives into the right place, but also made some aircraft motion scenes too unrealistic. The personalities of Claus and Lavie, the primary characters, seem rich, although not much has been told about their past in the first DVD. Hopefully, we'll get more character developments as they become part of a massive aerial battles.

That's it for now, got to go... and watch.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

I Can't Wait...

This sucks. Episode 94, the last available episode online is part of a bigger story arc. And it's in the middle, meaning heightened suspense and ultimate mind boggling effects. They need to rush things a bit more. Having 10-20 episodes for an arc is ridiculous... and the end to all things mysterious is in the last episode! Argh!

The current arc, focusing on the Sannin Tsunade started on Episode 81. So by interpolation, it should end more or less on Episode 100, hopefully. But still, that's a long way to go. I've heard that 95-96 will be a one hour special, so, at least that takes out a week in the wait.

Will she be the Fifth Hokage? Will she heal Orochimaru? And what will happen to Sasuke and Lee? The answer lies in the manga. But the manga isn't finished either... so what good will it be, to read through the manga, and get stuck again on another arc? I think I'll just patiently wait for the anime. DAMN!